Satanic Temple launches campaign to ‘protect’ children and permit them to pray to Satan “We want children to know that they are permitted to pray to Satan in school.”

Satanic Temple launches campaign to ‘protect’ children and permit them to pray to Satan

“We want children to know that they are permitted to pray to Satan in school.”

Satanists want in on the right to pray in school – as long as they can pray to the devil.

The Satanic Temple states that they are fighting for the rights of public school students to learn in a cruelty-free classroom.

In a press release, the NYC organisation declares May 15 as “Protect Children Day,” and describes a goal of ending physical and mental abuse in public schools.

After students register on Satanic Temple’s, “the Temple will then notify their respective school boards that their deeply held beliefs oppose physical and psychological abuses, including the use of corporal punishment, physical restraints, and isolation rooms as forms of punishment,” a press release states.

The Protect Children Project’s website encourages children to submit their name, email address, and the name of their school in order to receive help from the Temple. The organization maintains that submission does not make one a Temple member, and is open to all denominations.