Scientific Proof of a Eucharistic Miracle in Buenos Aires Video

Eucharistic Miracle, Buenos Aires
Dr. Ricardo Castanon-Gomez PhD is a reknowned scientist, former atheist, Catholic convert, and author of the book Cuando La Palabra Hiere (When the Word Hurts). He travels the world investigating Catholic mystical phenomena and runs scientific tests to prove or disprove them. His mission began when he decided to disprove one miracle, and ended up a strong believer. He is the president and researcher of the International Group for Peace and, in the video below, is speaking at the 2008 Faith and Science Conference about his scientific investigation of a Eucharistic miracle in Buenos Aires.

Ron Tesoriero, an Australian attorney, became interested in studying Catholic mystical phenomena through science and now works to create films and documentaries. He says of Dr. Castanon-Gomez, “a fascinating man…dedicated to his work, scrupulously thorough, and courageously open-minded. As a neuropsychophysiologist, …(he is) an expert in relating the physical and chemical activities of the brain to human behavior. In challenging these claims of apparitions and revelations, he sought to use the best (that) science, medicine, and psychiatry had to offer.” (quote from

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