Vassula Rydén Has Died

Vassula Rydén Has Died

According to reports circulating on the Internet, Vassula Rydén, 82, an author and public speaker who claims to have received messages from Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, has died.

She developed a large following, especially among confused Novus Ordo Catholics, who came to her lectures and bought her writings and tapes.

In 1995, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued a Notification on her writings, stating that her messages should not be considered supernatural.

It appears that Vassula died on the night of 24-25 September after her operation on Monday. “True Life in God Greece wrote that “today, at 2:30 am, Vassula went to be with Jesus”.

On 11 September, Vassula had surgery involving an endoscopy to put in place a stent but the endoscopy was unsuccessful. The doctor had to give up because of a hard lump in the stomach which prevented him from going further with the camera and the robot and was therefore unable to place the stent.

Therefore, Vassula had to be brought to a hospital in Athens for this operation to be conducted by a specialist in medical robotics. Since then she was in hospital and in need of painkillers.

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Maria Sussex
21 days ago

Vassula was granted Nihil Obstate and Imprimatur by Archbishop Felix Troppo