By Stephen Ryan
According to EWTN the new Cardinal commented on the Third Secret of Fatima saying: “that it concerned “an extraordinary event,” a “manifestation of the supernatural.”
In another report about the Fatima secrets written by, describes Father Capovilla intricate involvement with Fatima’s “Third Secret”.They write : “On 4/16/57, the sealed envelope (containing the Third Secret) arrived in Rome. It was placed in the office of Pope Pius XII, in a little chest bearing the note, “Secret of the Holy Office”. …(but) It appears that Pope Pius XII did not read the secret. According to Cardinal Ottaviani and Monsignor Capovilla, secretary of Pope John XXIII, the envelope was still sealed when Pope John XXIII opened it in 1959, one year after the death of Pope Pius XII.
Pope Pius XII had apparently decided to wait until 1960. He died on 10/9/58 without having read it. According to Cardinal Ottaviani and Monsignor Capovilla, secretary of Pope John XXIII, the envelope was still sealed when Pope John XXIII opened it in 1959, one year after the death of Pope Pius XII. Pope Pius XII had apparently decided to wait until 1960. He died on 10/9/58 without having read it.
The report goes on to say: On 8/17/59 Pope John XXIII had the envelope brought to him at Castelgandolfo, by Mosignor Philippe, then an official of the Holy Office. Pope John XXIII did not immediately open the envelope but stated:”I am waiting to read it with my confessor.”The secret was read a few days later, according to Monsignor Capovilla. Assistance in reading the Portuguese was given by Monsignor Paulo Jose Tavarez of the Secretariat of State. Later John XXIII had it read by Cardinal Ottaviani, Prefect of the Holy Office. On 2/8/60 it was suddenly learned through a simple Portuguese press agency communiqué that the 3rd secret of Fatima would not be published, and that it probably never would be disclosed. The Vatican communiqué ended:”Although the Church recognizes the Fatima apparitions, She does not desire to take the responsibility of guaranteeing the veracity of the words the three shepherd children said that the Virgin Mary had addressed to them.”